Friday, December 26, 2008


Dimulai dari permintaan gw ke si ayah buat ganti HP tertentu. Pas ditanya kenapa, gw bilang “soalnya ada kameranya”. Terus si ayah malah bilang “Yaudah itu mah beli kamera aja.”

Jadilah gw googling dan tanya-tanya soal kamera. Mau SLR apa pocket???
Tadinya mau SLR aja. AKHIRNYA punya SLR!!

Tapi setelah dipikir-pikir…
kecendrungan orang kalo pake SLR SELALU AJA pengen nambah lensa.
Terus belum kerja pula. Mana kalo diliat-liat gw ga bakal jadi photographer juga. Udah ngabisin duit, ga bakal bisa gw bawa-bawa ke Malang pula. Soalnya bisa diamuk sama nenek gw kalo ketauan itu harganya berapa. Belom kalo pake nambah nambah lensa. Prospek ke depan dalam jangka pendek ga bagus pokoknya kalo pake SLR. Sayang. Ntaran aja kalo si gw udah kaya.

Yaudah akhirnya gw memutuskan buat beli kamera pocket Sony. Yang menunya udah oke parah dah. Dan harganya juga ga nyampe 3 juta. Baiklah.

Eh ga tau kenapa gw masih aja googling-googling…dan nyasar ke lomonesia. Jadi inget, gw rencana beli holga…ah sekalian liat-liat deh. Si lomo ini punya kamera apaan aja si? Sebelum beli holga gw mau research dulu. Karena lomonesia tidak informatif dalam penjelasan kamera-kamera lomo, gw beralih ke Disana, puas banget deh gw. Informatif banget! Dan udah yakiiinnn mau beli holga. Jadi ntar punya holga dan pocket.


Eh ga tau kenapa…gw jadi liat-liat menunya lagi. Liat kamera-kameranya. Diana, Supersampler, LC-A, dan sampailah gw di horizon.


Gw Speechless saking terpananya.
Hasilnya lebaaarrrrr!!! Kalo dipake foto landscape bagus banget keliatan semua!! Dan Kalo dipake foto orang muat semua juga…Waaaa…gw langsung berniat beli yang ini!! Lupakan holga!

Nah ada dua nih..Pefekt sama Kompakt.
Bedanya, Perfekt itu ada aturan shutter sama fokusnya…udah kaya SLR tapi lebar! Tapi kelebihannya kompakt, dia bisa ditumpuk kaya holga. Gw cek kan tuh harganya… Tapi pas diliat, harganya perfekt 500$! Mati ajaaa…pas ditanya ke lomonesia, barangnya ditunggu dan harganya 6,6 juta. GILAAAA…ga punya gw duit segitu. Dan ga berani juga minta sama si ayah. Bisa diamuk. Akhirnya gw memutuskan beli kompakt yang masuk budget gw.

Sempet debat dulu sama si ayah, tapi akhirnya gw bisa meyakinkan supaya dibolehin beli kompakt (padahal gw belinya pake duit tabungan gw! dasar si ayah, jadi dia ngerasa sayang kamera yang menurut dia mainan tapi harganya 250$)

Masalah selanjutnya adalaahh…beli di Indo mahal sangat. Yaiyalahya…udah tangan keberapa itu. Gw akhirnya degan bermuka tebal minta tolong temen gw yang bokapnya tinggal di US. Dan mereka mau bantuin!! Jadinya gw beli horizon kompakt dengan harga normal, free shipping (soalnya dikirim ke US aja, dan ke indo dibawa pake koper hehe). JAUH lebih murah.

And it’s coming today….finally after waiting more than one month.
(And in that waiting time I make a list where I would bring this camera, and dreamed about it everyday)
Ternyata paketnya udah include buku horizon, tas kulitnya, DAN film AGFA 20 roll


I named it LockShockBarrel after the Nightmare before Christmas characters. Because it arrived in Indo at 25th December. And named it after usual Christmas name like Rudolph or Santa just boring. Beside, I love the Nightmare before Christmas.
*bukan syirik ya gw, ya buat have fun aja...

I love it. Love it. Love it.
Let’s play with it guys!! I invite you!

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Be Proud My Friends...

Be proud my friends...
We stick to our standpoint, we don't let ourselves dragged.
We face the strong current, for our dignity, for our identity.
And we refuse to be bended! And they failed to bend us.
Even when they whom look like stronger than us bend.
Do you realize how strong we are then?
Be proud.

They can try, but we knew they can only try.
In the end all left is them to regret...
Because we're bigger than them...
Because we're true...

Be proud.
Next life ahead..this is something you will be grateful for,
We stay matter how truth is twisted.
If now you can't be proud, you will be.
I can see the future, remember? ;p

I'm so proud of us...fucking freaking proud!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

To Be An Oracle

Oracle is person or agency in ancient world story where people asking for advice. Sometimes people asked about something in the future. And Oracle can show you the future.

It struck me these few days, that I knew how it feels to be Oracle. To be able to see the future.

To act, with confidence. Now you can see the future you can prepare yourself and change the future. You work for it. When it almost finish, you smile all day. Thought you successfully deceive destiny.

But before you can even blink, one force come down slammed all your work and destroyed it. In a second you think you win, the next you're back to square one. It's beyond your control.
And all crumpling down on you.

And what I see now is what I saw few years back in the magic eye. It all came back as clear as the day without clouds. And that’s when I know how it really feels to be Oracle. You can see the future, but it gives you no good because you can’t change it anyway.
It’s a curse.

That kind of power shouldn’t be in humans hands. It’s God’s. That’s what happened when mere human have God’s power.
They’re cursed.