Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Girl Talk

Abis gw makan, gw pulang dan lanjutin ngobrol sama temen gw yang tadi di YM. Nah di lanjutan ngobrol ini, gw menemukan kenapa cewe-cewe suka berantem padahal ga ada ujan ga ada angin!! Soalnya semuanya NGERASA.

Ngerasa diomongin...ganti status. Yang tadi DIRASA ngomongin NGERASA diomongin. Bikin tulisan di blog. Sambil yang di blog ngomongin, yang diomongin ngadu. Dua pihak sama-sama diomongin dan sama-sama ngomongin. Tapi ga ada yang BERANI ngomong depan muka yang diomongin. Bingung ya...

It's a mind game, which called "Who snapped first" and that's the loser because as far as people know, that's the ACTUAL start. The attack after that is justified, because "they start it first".
when actually, it start long ago, from probably nothing, from WAY different matter.

Like I read in some book "Women prefer to draw blood using words. It can cause just as much havoc, but it doesn’t stain the carpet" I personally think that's because we're created by God without the physic power to hurt the body, that's why we aim for the soul. Whether we realize it or not to use it for our advantage is still a question...

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