Monday, June 25, 2012

Three Things I Wanna Say

Dear Suzue Miuchi, are you really dead? Or are you just stop making your comic? And I think Smash that produced by Stephen Spielberg have the character base like your Glass Mask series. Can you please finish? Or please let you have this ideas stored somewhere so someone else can continue...(this goes to Aoyama Gosho and Eiichiro Oda too).

Dear Forbidden City and Machu Picchu, please don't let anything happen to you...I haven't see you yet.

Dear Self, let's be a morning person and exercise regularly....


Eria Mufida said...

She's not dead (yet) don't you worry ahaha. Just try to find the glass mask series forum and you'll find the synopsis of the next chapter. But maybe you already did these kinda things thou :D

Zahra said...

looks like another forum I have to subscribe, oh my...

itu legit apa khayalan aja tapi?

Eria Mufida said...

Legiit jah, ada scanned chapter komiknya, bahkan yg belum masuk indo udah di translet gitu sama mereka dan di scan ulang ahahahah. Mantap.

Zahra said...

oh scan! okey! gw baca one piece juga yang scan dulu, ga sabar!
abisan lo bilangnya kan synopsis jadi dikit aja gitu...bukan sekomik-komiknya...

Eria Mufida said...

awalnya gw bacanya sinopsisnya dang berhubung lwt browser hape. trus ya, kaka sepupu gw penggila topeng kaca dan dia punya scanlation nya sampe jauh hahahahah jadi gw minta kirim, tp cuma sampe chapter yg sekarang udah keluar "bersatunya dua jiwa 1" ituu..
njah, lo ngga pengen ganti samsung galaxy s3? kemarin gw liat voice s nya di yutub sampe nganga ahahahha