Monday, May 14, 2012

The Meaning of My Blog Name

So this is day 4, and I do this twice in a row...that's a progress, let's hope tomorrow will be three, not back to one.

hmmm, so...I started this blog when I was in last year of high school, I think. So around 2004 or 2005. (No you can't check the posts because I hid them. It was high school so the posts are pretttyy ridiculous, as fun high schooler should be ;p)

I don't even remember what made me decide to have have a blog. Back then blogging is not popular yet, and a friend of mine tell me about this blog thing suggest me to make one, that's how I found out about blog. This friend also told me about google, who's just started. Now they have THE WORLD, ohmygod! 

Okay, seriously I don't remember why I give my blog this name. Not only this blog, this is also my tumblr name, my fun email name (you know, mail you use to register on everything on  the internet; usually in order to give you free services they bombed your mail with tons of things you can't keep up with and made you missed real, important email), and some of my user IDs. That's probably because I have a bad memory, so I try not to remember a lot of things. But I think this habit of using this name came first from naming this blog. Too bad I CAN'T REMEMBER!! Damn I'm curious now...

okay, the point is doing the project. there...
I'll update when I remember. (I will remember!)

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